Voices Perth Spring 2021 Workshop-4 week workshop for youth
Check out this great online session!
Voices Perth Winter Workshop 2021
For Youth Ages 15-25
Mondays 6-7:30 Nov 23-Dec 15.
See flyer for full details and contact info!
Way to go, town of St. Marys!
Town of St. Marys and Proclamation
Read about other cities’ proclamations here:
Welcome everyone!
Create A Smile Foundation in partnership with Community Living St. Marys & Area has been creating smiles since 2004!
This fundraiser is fueled by the amazing generosity of volunteers. All of the money raised at this event goes to Community Living to support their mission of improving the lives of people with developmental disabilities in St. Marys and Area.
Not only has this event generated significant financial resources, it has also reminded us of the power of healthy communities.
In 2020, families have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. This year funds raised will be used to support families with school age children not able to attend school on a full time basis and needing additional support for activities and respite.
We are excited about our 17th Annual Create A Smile 5km Walk/Run – Virtual for 2020
Between now and November 1 – make the decision to participate – grab a mask – walk your 5km and make a difference!
Take a picture and email it to lcannon@clstmarys.ca and be part of our Facebook Memory Create a Smile page. The more smiles we can capture the better!
For those who wish to donate online or create a team through Canada Helps Peer to Peer, please visit our website and click on the ‘Create A Smile’ logo or click on the following link 17th Annual Create A Smile Walkathon
For those who would still like to use a pledge sheet, you can pick one up at the JPC or print the pledge sheet attachment (see below).
2020 has been an exceptional year! We hope you will join our ‘virtual’ walk/run in the month of October and help us support families in our area!
Inspiring video https://vimeo.com/377585189/4769d0d905 – Click on this link to understand the heart of the Create A Smile Walkathon!
If you would like to use a pledge sheet, please click on the link Create A Smile 2020 Pledge Sheet
Tradition Mutual Insurance Company kicked off our annual fundraiser with a very generous donation of $1000.00.
As we continue to navigate through the daily updates and changes around COVID-19, we will do our best to communicate with current employees, people we support, and families via email and our facebook page. Please continue to check there for most up to date information.
Thank you.
A One Day workshop on Apr 28, 2020 for adults with a developmental disability and a support person (if desired).
Supportive person can be family, friend, or paid worker.
It’s often said that the shortest distance between two people is a smile! Many smiles and stories were shared on Sunday September 22nd when over one hundred people participated in the 16th annual ‘Create A Smile’ 5km walk/run.
This fundraising event was a huge success with over $22,000 raised! The generosity of our community, families, friends and sponsors is overwhelming!
The money raised will pay for things that enhance the lives of people with disabilities, their families and the communities they live in. This includes essential items not covered by government funding, some mobility and communication devices, summer supports for a number of young people, housing, People First and accessibility equipment needed in our community.
If you require more information, contact Candace O’Hearn at cohearn@clstmarys.ca or 519-284-1400 x 221
Learn more on Aug 16, 2019. Click the link below for details: